Team Checkpoint TC-950 Soldering Station

Team Checkpoint TC-950 Soldering Station

Beitragvon Andi » 16. Feb 2009, 18:23


Team Checkpoint have announced the release of their TC-950 Soldering Station. High-quality electronics ensure that the TC-950 Soldering Station delivers professional results and dependable service at an affordable price. Featuring a heavy-duty 60 watt design for years of reliable performance, it heats up quickly to selected temperature within a range of 392°-896°F, and holds settings within 1.8°F (1°C) while idle. It sports a slender, insulated handle for comfortable grip and includes chisel point tip and pencil tip and also comes with iron stand, sponge and vinyl wrap. Unparalleled 5-year warranty on the unit, 1 year on the iron handle’s electronics.

Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
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Registriert: 1. Jan 1970, 01:00

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